Traktaties – Snailtrails
Snail Trail Treat
This week’s treat is a real fun ssssssssnack!
You will need:
– Scissors & stanley knife, glue stick, sate sticks, bread knife
– Bread and filling of choice: eg, peanut butter, jam, chocolate paste, sprinkles, cheese, ham etc…
To make snail houses (see photo):
1. Cut the crusts off a slice of bread and then cut the bread in half.
2. Overlap the ends of the bread and spread on the ingredient of your desire.
3. Roll up the bread and hold in place using a sate stick.
Note: You need to get an angle with the sate stick, so try to pierce through one side of the roll (not centre).
1. Print the snail treat pdf ; fold as per indicated, and cut out the images.
TIP: If you hold the folded paper up to the light you can double check that the image lines up perfectly before you cut.
2. Glue the two sides of the snails together.
3. On the front of the snail images there is a small circle 2/3 of the way down the belly. Carefully cut a small X using the stanley knife. The sate stick will pierce through this X.
4. Fold the snail horizontally about 8 mm under the circle – so the snail stands up.
1. Fold & glue the spider or butterfly into place on the sate stick (behind the bread).
2. Fold & glue the nap-sacks together and with a stanley knife cut a small X in the circle indicated.
3. Slide the nap-sack on the sate stick, and the sate stick then through the snail.
Auteur: Nikki Hateley
Nikki is in haar vrije tijd altijd creatief bezig. Tekenen, schilderen, DIY, in de keuken en in de tuin. Elke maand blogt ze op over traktaties in combinatie met een gratis printable.